Poems by Sanjeev Sethi



Elation about well-timed ascendancy
has a certain piquancy. It extends to
those not affiliated to it. When *M C
Sher’s flowing tongue capsules his
long haul his happiness is mine, tap-
ping into frozen areas of my campaign.
In rooting for this Gully Boy I begin
to rekindle my abandoned side.

*Siddhant Chaturvedi in Gully Boy, breakout film role.



You or your
fills the screen.

to burglarize
my bliss.

Beauty of betrayal:
endless poetry
invades the inbox.



With confidence you tossed, you’re a
tough customer, a tough customer as
if repetition settles it. I wished to urge
you to change your gaze, clean the filter
but didn’t as raging parleys go nowhere.

Not a block or barrier, when there is no
solution in sight, it’s best to bequeath it
to registers of religiosity.

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Sanjeev Sethi is the author of three books of poetry. He is published in more than 25 countries. Recent credits: Talking Writing, Packingtown Review, Abstract Magazine, The Sandy River Review, Futures Trading, The Penwood Review, The Sunday Tribune, The Cabinet of Heed, The Poetry Village, and elsewhere. He lives in Mumbai, India.


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