Poems by Samuel Strathman



lonely feet on a subway train
at half past midnight

she misses paradise
where every day she would
collect a pocket full of shells

why not give her home away
for another trip to the coastline without a name

our lady train rider flashes back to the nights
where she would stumble drunkenly with
another girl who split her lip in
the heat of passion and paradise

sweet lovely paradise that she
found on an island without a name


At 10pm

you had me there
on the couch
my hand in your hand
while you were somewhere in a dream

your legs were propped up on my thighs
while i stared at you adoringly
as if your eyes were open
and i could hold your heart with my gaze

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Samuel Strathman is a Jewish/Canadian poet and educator who was diagnosed with a non-verbal learning dis/ability at the age of seven. Some of his poems are forthcoming in The Elixir Magazine, the Chaudiere Books' blog, and Talking about Strawberries All of the Time. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.


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