Poems by B S Tyagi



Word is Brahman
It emerges from
And wanders in the ether
Man’s heart vibrates
He hears its rapturous melody
And sways in ecstasy
And is lost in the sacred silence.
The other day…
The predator pounces upon the word
And preserves the kill
A dictionary is compiled
It hardly objects
But, is it at ease?
Lexicons continue multiplying
And then, words…words…words…
Words sans soul


Across The Face of Time

I slapped hard saying
I’m Amrit-born
Ineffable, imperishable…
And above actions and their fruits
And I am ever on the move
Never do I pause
And never will I
When I move
It’s roses, roses, all the way
Fragrance floats in the air
Joy and happiness spill over
The moon casts its spell everywhere
Divine calm and peace prevail
The whole earth is thrilled beyond measure
The Sun shines
Flora and fauna are teeming with life
Water waves frolic
Showers beautify all
Life continues…
Who can stop me?
I overtake Time and leave behind
To squeak in the ruts

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B S Tyagi belongs to India and is a bilingual poet and writer. He has several books: fiction and non-fiction to his credit. His poems have been included in several anthologies, in India and overseas.


  1. Excellent composition by B.S Tyagi. One who always plays with words is elevated to the level of Bahman, the knowledge seeker. The first poem colors a rapturous world of word and the slavery to lexicon and the second one defines the indomitable spirit of the poet like Tennyson’s Ulysses


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