Poems by Madhu Sriwastav

(Painting by Sudeshna Majumdar)


In silence

In silence, grows the moon
nimbus clouds roll the sky
goldfish in the waters
silently slip
between craigs that house oysters
silently nurturing cold moons
In silence thaws the ice
to sprout the first green
In silence my wings wriggle
inside a cocoon of grief
My thoughts take shape
as beauty is born of truth
that filters all adulterations
and shines raw as carbon
in the depths of a coal mine!


Grief hangs heavy on my shoulders
like the dead albatross on Coleridge’s ship
in “The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner”
It cannot be thrown off
into the sea
for a burial deep…
It grows into the skin
enters the skeleton
that holds the body in shape
as a mother that shapes
the foetus in her womb
When the womb dies
its off springs lose sight
of purpose and joy in life…
Grief grows under the skin
as another layer that adds
wrinkles to a carefree spirit
As a void that rings hollow
inside a dull heart
It manifests itself as a bird
that went missing from a tree trunk
as a cave dug out of its uprooted being
in its struggle with a storm…
It lives on as silent sighs
wordless regrets, aimless anger…
Grief burns as a slow flame
transforming, moulding
as pure gold melts and takes shape
of a stronger mature self
supplicant to the divine
reconciled to fate!

Bleeding Moon

O moon you have been bleeding red
your pale face is dreary now
the gold of the sun shines not
crimson dusk hides behind
huge grey cumulous clouds
that climb high and seem to engulf the sky
My mother bleeds as the moon
without any cycle
she is in a pool
of red blood
sticky dense blood
that rushes out
like a deluge
a dam burst
sweeping away
smiles of her children
and loved ones
O mother
the pigeons you fed
wait for you to return
their timely flapping at your window
at lunch time are sad
life goes on in emptiness
sorrow fills up your space!

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Madhu Sriwastav is a poet, translator and reviewer. Her works have been published in national and international magazines and journals. Her debut book of poems is Trips Climbs Circles. She received the Panorama International Special Jury Award 2022 for her poem presented in the festival. Her translation of Chitra Mudgal’s Post Box No 203 Nala Sopara won the Muse India Translation Award 2023.


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