Poems by Sharbaree Chaudhury

(Painting by Subhadra Acharya)




Every wound is indebted.

A handful of saltwater heals it.

Tree or sky – anything can give a coating to it.

Yet the wound survives agelessly,

to repay the debt.


Crossing over


In the moist evening, when a person crosses the river alone,

the ferryman knows, in the pretence of helping the person

cross the river, he himself is making a journey from one life

to another.


The End


When a person crosses the bar,

becomes a sinner.

In the dark evening, the road I am walking on

is full of dirt.

The evergreen forest gets burnt

when there is no love.


Hunger and thirst remain at the end.

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Sharbaree Chaudhury was a research scholar in Indian Statistical Institute and visiting faculty in SNU. She has books of short story, poetry, and essays.


  1. Poems of all of this journal came from the inner soul and experience. All poems with editorial is a classy presentation.


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