Poems by Linda Ashok



When you left
and I left

When we both left
our glasses

to the loneliness
that’ll babysit

our leaving
the place

that has seen
us naked

in each one
of our eyes

There were islands;
green irises & black pupils

they floated the way
we buoyed in that moment

of intimacy.


I am thinking of you.
Don’t move.
Let the cars run over.
Let people walk through.
Let rain come.
Let everything be
in its inertia.

But you don’t move.
I am filling up a void.
I need you to hold
this little light
till I open it up

and bring you in
Dust by dust.
Memory by memory.
Don’t burn down
your incense ribs.

They are to fill the body
I am always without.

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Author of whorelight (Hawakal, Aug 2017), Linda Ashok is the 2017 Charles Wallace India Fellow in Creative Writing (Poetry) at the University of Chichester, UK. Her poems and reviews have appeared in several publications, online and in print, including The Common, Crab Orchard Review, The Pointed Circle by Portland Community College, Contemporary Verses 2, The McNeese Review, Friends Journal, Axolotl, Expound, among others. Linda is the Founder/President of RædLeaf Foundation for Poetry & Allied Arts and sponsors the annual RL Poetry Award (since 2013). More at lindaashok.com


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