


Every star has a crack
This is how the flash
releases the radiance
of living things

To make sense of this
is to know that
a bird’s migration is
the stars magnetic draw

the conveyor from North
to South and back again.
This generates a bright effect
on our lives

because birds are a testament
to the lightness of innocence
to the graceful gesture
between sky and earth

The Stillness Of Quiet Light

The distance between
here and beyond
even farther
this thing we call there
the separation

If simply to stop
to look or
to not speak
but to listen
as the silence listens

We are moved
by stillness
as if to know
everything is to remember
the beauty we have forgotten

Previous articleC.M. Crockford
Next articleDebasish Lahiri
is the author of six books of poetry with his most recent being The Opening, from CTU Publishing Group (2018). His poems have been published by magazine editors from the US, UK, Africa, Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, Poland, the Philippines, Singapore and Spain.


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