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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Poems by Gale Acuff

Tongues I don't care if Jesus died for my sins I tell my Sunday School teacher after class, He'll have to do better than that to get me to come back next week and then I leave her without saying goodbye atop the two-by-four-and-plywood porch of our trailer-classroom, or is that our classroom -trailer, whatever it is it has...
Home It was party time. I went to a party at a known place. It was party time. I went to the party as their chief guest. It was party time. I went to a party at a house I used to live, for some time.   Ode to a Graveyard City of angels tombed in silence. A solemn stillness is held in the air. A hollow...

Poems by John Grey

THE PARTY Such a mix at her party— one worshiped his own genius. another was too flippant. a third was a freethinker, a fourth, a savant. The combination could only be uncomfortable. And throw in a hypocrite. a born pessimist, the usual boorish academics, and even the weather could not settle on rain or sunshine. Maybe the party-giver was asking too much, relied on diversity as a crutch. ended with discordance...

Poems by Jeff Schiff

Ode to Muezzins Muezzins used to climb the minaret to make the call to prayer… (after Stefan Kaegi) Oh to be on call five times daily and feat days ready to roll cocksure in your three-balled alabaster minaret outpost honeyed and hyssoped throat nose to the windscreen positioned just so between your faith and a vintage Shure 55SW anodyne mic an array...