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Home November 2018 Book Review

Book Review

Paperback: 86 pages Publisher: Five Oaks Press (August 13, 2017) Language: English Price: $14.00 ISBN-10: 1944355367 ISBN-13: 978-1944355364 Reviewed by: Pramila Tripathi The Temple She Became by Rachel Custer is the poet’s debut book, consisting 61 poems. Going through her poems will present the readers before a world of her time spent in Indiana, which she...

From a Feminist Lens

Nikita Parik Caked in mud caged in faith prayers keep me alive 108 names but I recognize none (“Devi 2.0”) The binaries of personal and public must be subverted when seemingly personal concerns voiced through personal expressions transcend to achieve a universality of sorts. In her debut poetry book, Apostrophe, Barnali Ray Shukla’s versification of seemingly...
Publisher: Red River (2018) ISBN-10: 8193613066 ISBN-13: 978-8193613061 Price: 300 INR Reviewed by: Koushik Sen Namrata Pathak’s book of poems, that’s how Mirai eats a pomegranate, although has myriad patterns, raises itself in a kind of impasto, that has the jump scare effect by a behemoth. Sometimes, this figure is invoked with an uncanny...


Publisher: Dhauli Books (2018) ISBN-10: 8193604741 ISBN-13: 978-8193604748 Price: 350 INR Reviewed by:Koushik Sen The first thing that would catch your eye while you leaf through the pages of this book is the sharp, post-apocalyptic images that have been ruthlessly painted by the poet with a dash of his uncanny wit. When you read...