Dustin Pickering


from DARKLING (1)

The sea is one nocturnal emphasis:

I speak to you across distances like a code

in war. The mothers of the universe are your whores.

I am your daughter, and you are roses in bloom.

I know this because I was an empty blossom

holding your tongue in eclipse. Science doesn’t attempt.

I am a fighter in the flight for fancy

and Lolita limps to my lights. I am drunk on the wine of song:

the ships of ghost wars fight and kiss your lips

with the redness of lustful season.

from DARKLING (2)

I know you like the visions of Mary

and the archangels who storm the eyes.

Everything I am is born of your love:

assay, great in ecstasy.


We are Romans in pissing pleasure

while the ancients sell their wares

in the exotic heights…

yet the tracks are unknown

and the Promised Land is made of thunder again.

You can’t sing when your nights are lost.


I am not smoking song

and I invite comparison.

Skeleton keys cannot open your secret chambers;

the wounds of destiny are left to fester like moss in clay.

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Dustin Pickering is founder of Transcendent Zero Press and founding editor of Harbinger Asylum. He is author of the poetry collections The Daunting Ephemeral, The Future of Poetry of NOW: bones picking and death's howl, Salt and Sorrow, Knows No End, Frenetic/No Contest, The Alderman: spurious conversations with Jim Morrison, and O'Riordan: spurious conversations with Dolores. He is the author of the book on aesthetics, A Matter of Degrees. His short story collection, The Madman and Fu, was recently released along with his novella, Be Not Afraid of What You May Find. He is a former contributor to Huffington Post. He has essays in Cafe Dissensus, The Statesman, and Journal of Liberty and International Affairs. He is also a musician, visual artist, and reviewer. He has been placed as a finalist in Adelaide Literary Journal's first short story contest and is a Pushcart nominee for 2019.


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