Sanjeev Sethi



Between perceived hurts and intended harm
I cottoned myself to a kingdom of one. Here
even the wind fails to tease me. Air-condition-
ing has its advantages in intramural settings.

Earthshine is nature’s compensatory face. How
does the human construct simulate this model to
hum its way to happiness? Game plan is within
us. Unwrap yourself: largesse awaits you.

On the Double

On anatomization jewels in mind go
jadish, there is happiness in half-truths.

Something in me imagines your tongue indite
magical texts when it sees you wipe your lips.

Circumstance may cover me with bilboes
can it capture when I chafe inwardly?

To compliment is to acknowledge an equal or superior
positioning: the subaltern only stoke.

Retrospection camouflages my choices. I like this
about memory: It offers what we seek.

Open Sesame

Dundreary whiskers belong to another tide.
Expressions in hirsute weave are emblematic
of eras. This is valid pronunciation of self-
hood. At another level: the need to display
shelters deficiencies. To discover the curse
of one’s birth is the first step to actualization,
stamp that moves this package forward.

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Sanjeev Sethi is the author of three books of poetry. He is published in more than 25 countries. Recent credits: Talking Writing, Packingtown Review, Abstract Magazine, The Sandy River Review, Futures Trading, The Penwood Review, The Sunday Tribune, The Cabinet of Heed, The Poetry Village, and elsewhere. He lives in Mumbai, India.


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